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Entry 2

Two Weeks and I've finally gotten around to updating the site again! It's been a really bad few weeks on my end of the site. I still havent even properly finished my other links sections and I got so much else to do...oh well it happens. I've been thinking about a lot of things lately...mostly mental illnesses that due to the *looks* questionable psychatric system I can't really get checked out.

(My friend would say in response to that, that "all psychatric systems are bad actually" which their right.)

Oh well, it happens I think. I've mostly just been wondering what else to add here cause I have a lot I Want to add but my time is Limited. I'm tempted to try learning pixel art though to make adoptables for people? It's fun and I want to learn pixel art. The site icon is my first attempt and I think it's cute.

Entry 1

Wowza....a place I can write even more in! I'll improve it in the future because god knows I ramble but for now this will do. I ramble about a lot of things and like- I have a tumblr where I pose meta and what not but I've never been comfortable airing out my feelings on media if I don't feel like I have pages of notes and citations and shit lined up so this is for that. So that instead of making small tumblr posts where I feel the need to overedit I can just- write shit here. Yay! I love writing!